Please speak in English !!...........or CHINESE

Sunday, September 24, 2006


so glad that I join the class.This class is about "sexual".
This class is aegis by KAPWR.(高雄市女性權益促進會)
Many members are come from famously school.Most of them are techter in others school.I am so happy to recognize them.
Let me show you what I learn during this weekend.
Do you know what is "LGBT"?
L is Lesbian.(女同志)
G is Gay.(男同志)
B is Bisexual.(雙性戀)
T is TransGender.(跨性別)

......not finish..........

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


JOE HUANG is a college student.She has a great attitude for everything.

Do not ask any question about why . Because she has always been true to herself.

So , are you ready to join her everything in her blog?

Remember ! SPEAK IN ENGLISH.........

(knock on the door....)

Hello! welcom to my English speace. This is my new blog. I will take you to know who I am and what can I do. Do you know me? I am a mass communiate student. It has been three years since I studied in this department. After those searching, I made efforts to set up my goals and firm my determination. Finding a determined dream is such an important progress for me. Sometimes, I have to admit, I gave myself lots of pressure which obstruct me from thinking. Extreme pressure would lie in the way of personality development while emotional management and pressure control are lessons I desire to take.

Next year, I will graduate from FU JEN Catholic University. Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market. I often ask myself: what will I do after college? I do feel confused sometimes so I develop personal potentials and creations as hard as I could. On an occasional chance, I read some novels of the famous Chinese writer: zhang ai ling and I was so interested about them.

Besides this,Besides novels, Zhang had been related to Chinese movies. She wrote some film scripts which captivate me more deeply. In spite of many researches had been done about Zhang, I personally has more to tell and to discover.I think the research can blend the old Shang-hai with Hakka culture. Although Zhang is not a Hakka, to unveil those Hakka culture hide beneath will be a wonderful adventure. Furthermore, I can start from an individual perspective to introduce the beauty of Chinese culture to the world.

Finially,I think doing a right thing in a right time can lead a great space for creative work. I bear no fear with my future. I encourage myself to possess a delight heart so that I can not only accept new stuff but also to reveal them. As the chances never wait, I shall create them, seize them by myself. I am really gratitude for a excellent circumstance, a healthy mind and body, a warm family, and moreover, a group of supporting friends and teachers. I promised myself, and my future self that I will advance to my destination, and to be a researcher that gives.